Ch. Phuffœ-Rhu-Haœ Lexus the Mukti

nar. 9.12.2OO1, ÈMKU/LA/2744 

Èeský šampion,Slovenský šampion
Polský šampion
Evropská výstava TULLN 2OO5-Výborná

Rhu-Haœ Lung Chih Khalo Mukti Rhu-Haœ Tu-chang chih Lung  Geneœ Viktor of Art-Est Tabuœ King of Hearts
Art-Est She-Ma
Rhu-Haœ Regal Ruffles Thmilos Magic Dragon
Hatcherœ Mai-Ling Poppi
Art-Est Bahr-Bœ Nite Star Art-Est Genteel Gizmo Anbaraœ Hobgoblin
Art-Est She-Ma
Kinderland Ta Sen Nite Satin Westgateœ Giveém Hell Harry
Kinderlandœ Ta Sen Isis
Rhu-Haœ Chan-Shih Kung-Chu Rhu-Haœ Hou-Chi Kou  Rampas Kellam Rimarœ Rumpelstil tskin
Rampas Rhu-Ha Pippin
Art-Est Chin-Te Shih-Ko Tabuœ King of Hearts
Art-Est She-Ma
Rhu-Haœ Shen Mai-Ling Wu  Rhu-Haœ Bhag chih Pao-Shih Char-Ruœ Got a Tiger Too CD
Rhu-Haœ Pao-Shih
 Rhu-Haœ Tíen-Mi-Te Wu Mistiœ Play It Again Sam
Rhu-Haœ Shan-Ku Nu-Hai